In those days, having water meant, having everything! Cities were built around a water source. Kingdoms could rise and fall simply because of water. Seasons of rain were necessary for survival.
Did you notice that, the abundance of rain had a sound? What was the prophet was hearing? Have you every "heard" a storm coming? The lightning flashes and you count the seconds until you hear the thunder. Which gives you an idea of how far away the storm is. In our home we do this with our children, while getting popcorn to watch the theater in the sky.
Interestingly, if you look up "abundance" in the Strongs Concordance the definition in 1 Kings 18:41 is..
A great roar/sound. A great number. Abundance and wealth.
I believe the prophet was hearing the sound of thunder in the distance. To them, that sound would have meant "Abundance". Water for the people. Drink for the animals. Fertile ground, crops and harvest. The rain would bring wealth and blessing upon the entire nation of Israel.
I hear the sound of the abundance of rain! Just like the nation of Israel, this season of rain will bring forth a harvest for HIS Glory! The season of Abundance/Blessing is here. We know that there has been a shift. We know that we are in a new season, the next chapter. It is all part of the "sound". Do you hear it?
Get ready, prepare for the storm. I hear thunder in the distance! God is filling up his water source in the earth. He is building His Kingdom.
The water source needed for survival is on the inside of you. An abundance of Love, Salvation, Health, Peace, Favor, Honor, Faith, Prayer, Power, etc..You are blessed to BE A BLESSING.
So be a blessing to as many as you can, wherever you can and however you can. The Harvest Is Here!
Abundant Blessings Upon You,
Pastor Pamela