Monday, November 10, 2014

I Hear A Sound...

In 1 Kings 18:41 The prophet Elijah says, "Get Ready, I hear the sound of the abundance of rain"
In those days, having water meant, having everything! Cities were built around a water source. Kingdoms could rise and fall simply because of water.  Seasons of rain were  necessary for survival.

Did you notice that, the abundance of rain had a sound? What was  the prophet was hearing? Have you every "heard" a storm coming? The lightning flashes and you count the seconds until you hear the thunder. Which gives you an idea of how far away the storm is. In our home we do this with our children, while getting popcorn to watch the theater in the sky. 
Interestingly, if you look up "abundance"  in the Strongs Concordance the definition  in                      1 Kings 18:41 is.. 

A great roar/sound. A great number. Abundance and wealth.
I believe the prophet was hearing the sound of thunder in the distance.  To them, that sound would have meant "Abundance".  Water for the people. Drink for the animals. Fertile ground, crops and harvest. The rain would bring wealth and blessing upon the entire nation of Israel.

I hear the sound of the abundance of rain! Just like the nation of Israel, this season of rain will bring forth a harvest for HIS Glory! The season of Abundance/Blessing is here.  We know that there has been a shift. We know that we are in a new season, the next chapter. It is all part of the "sound".  Do you hear it? 

 Get ready, prepare for the storm. I hear thunder in the distance! God is filling up his water source in the earth. He is building His Kingdom. 
The water source needed for survival is on the inside of you.  An abundance of Love, Salvation, Health, Peace, Favor, Honor, Faith, Prayer, Power, etc..You are blessed to BE A BLESSING. 
So be a blessing to as many as you can, wherever you can and however you can.  The Harvest Is Here!

Abundant Blessings Upon You,
Pastor Pamela

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Press IN and Step UP!

Just the other day I heard the Lord say “It is a new season. Press in and step up”.   It caught me off guard, so I began to focus my prayers in that direction for clarity and understanding.   I went to the calendar, Rosh Hashanah (Israel’s Civil New Year) had already passed. Could that be what God was talking about?  Then my eyes dropped onto the current day’s date, October 3rd.. Yom Kippur (Day Of Atonement).  
Yom Kippur is a High Holy Day for the Jewish People. Traditionally, among many things, it is held as the day when God decides the fate of His people over the next year and whether or not their names will be found in God’s Book(s).   However, the thought of  “next year”, caught my attention.
Now please understand, as believers in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) our names are written in the Book Of Life when we become Born Again.  We also know that the Bible tells us … “ I know the plans I have for you. Says the Lord….”  Jeremiah 29:11.  I promise…I am not getting weird on you, hang in here with me.  God does use seasons and times to speak to us, if we are listening.  By the way Seasons in Hebrew is Moed . Which means  GOD’S APPOINTED TIMES
As I stood by my calendar praying, in my spirit I saw a book open and the page fall open to a “New” or “Next” chapter in the book.    That was it!  We have entered into the “Next” Chapter!  This is the new season the Lord was speaking of.   How wonderful is our God that He would be so personally involved with the lives of His children. Yours, mine …the entire Body Of Christ!!
I want to remind us again. As followers of Jesus Christ, our atonement was completed at the Cross and activated by faith when we were “Born Again”.  So we don’t have to wonder and wait or beg and plead in order to know whether this year has been atoned for. 

But, for those who are willing… It is time to press in and step up.   A  New Season is here and it is God’s Next Season. A new chapter is being rolled out like a scroll.   I am ready to Press In and Step UP into IT! How about you??

Shalom & Love,
Pastor Pamela

Please check out my online bible study on worship at our church website
We are currently studying Worship and the Tabernacle. :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The New Season Is Here!

God has launched us into a NEW season! I have such an expectancy in my spirit :) These days we are living in are not just the End Days.. but the Best Days! Destiny is calling.  This is a call that you do not want to miss. Jesus wants to Wow the world with His Glorious Bride. God by his precious, Holy Spirit is moving in the earth and looking for people who he can download heaven into.  People that will be vessels bringing heaven to earth, reaching the world for Jesus. "Use me God".. we cry.  He is going to !  The season for it is here.. Don't sit on the sidelines. Let God amaze the world through you.  

Shalom and Love,
Pastor Pamela


Monday, July 14, 2014

I feel an urgency in my spirit tonight as I am writing this post.  It is time for the people of God to move. To take that step of faith NOW and move forward.  There is an anointing here for such a time as this.

God is making all things NEW!  He is rebuilding upon the foundations. It is "facelift" time!!  A time of refreshing.  Stir yourself up in your most holy faith.  This is not the time to be staying on the shore where things are familiar and comfortable.
God is calling you out into the deeper waters!

In Ezekiel 47 we read about the healing waters pouring out from the House Of God.  Some water was ankle deep, knee deep, loin deep and then deep enough to swim in. Although these verses are a prophetic picture yet to come.. they still have significant input for us today.

How much of God do you want?  If God says He is doing something NEW.. are you going to jump in or play it safe at ankle deep? God wants to build  new upon the foundation of your life. Which means, all that you have been though has a purpose in Christ!  This is not then the time to stay on the shoreline. Breakthrough and victory is here . There are deeper waters out there! Waters touched by God for your healing, deliverance, rebuilding, refreshing~

It is time to go swimming
Go ahead and JUMP :)
Pastor Pamela

Worship and the tabernacle online bible study part 2 will be up on this week. We will be studying what worship was like in the days of Adam before and after The Fall.  Plus we will look at Ezekiel 47 in the light of worship.

Monday, July 7, 2014

GO! It Is "Sending Season"

It is "Sending Season". God has deposited so much within you and He is NOW going to make a withdrawal!
You will walk in the Perfect Will Of God. In the right place at the right time. For such a time as THIS!  It is "Sending Season". God is sending you, as a "Carrier" of His Presence and as a "Gatherer" of the hearts of men.
The anointing is here for this! It is time.  You have labored, stood and believed. Your foundation has been laid and it is strong. God is going to build something new upon the foundation you have labored through.  
Psalm 104:30  Then you send your Spirit, and new life is born[a] to replenish all the living of the earth. Living Bible Translation
A fresh power a fresh anointing! God IS doing this in your life. But there is more, He is going to SEND you full of His Spirit to -
GO! Be the "Carrier".
GO! Be the "Gatherer".
GO! Prophesy of New Life.
GO! Be the vessel God works through to Replenish and Refresh.
Your Foundation is solid, It's time... GO!

God shared this Word with me as I was studying Worship for a new online bible study. Truly, the only way we can be ready to be His vessel is through worship. It is time Church and we need to be prayed up, have our praise on and wearing worship as our lifestyle. Please join me starting July 9th at and lets study worship together.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

You Are Pregnant!

You are pregnant with a Promise from God! It IS alive within you. What is it that HE has promised you? I challenge you... Do you know? Do you remember?

It's time NOW, for doors of opportunity to open!  Do you perceive this? You are about to give birth ! The suddenlies are here to stay.

Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]— Ephesians 3:20 Amplified

Go ahead... Dream it, Imagine it ! When you can see it, you can say it.                  Remember, words create or birth worlds
Glory to God! You are pregnant with a Promise. It is time right Now, prepare to give birth to a new world.

Praise The Lord,
Pastor Pamela :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

God Is Strategic!

 I am extremely happy and excited to see that so many people are viewing my blog.  Thank You to each and every one of you! You have made my day :)

Today, I have a few different things on my heart.

First of all, my husband,  Pastor James ministered a strong message this morning at church on humility, trust and obedience. His series presently is on "The Favor of God".  Which is always inspiring and encouraging to be reminded of.  But today's message was very provoking because, it hit home and is absolutely true.  If we want to experience God's Favor in our life then we have to be willing to be humble, obey and of course trust God.  So many people want the "Favor" of God but don't want to live a life that is honoring to God. Or... obey the commands of the Lord. 
God's favor isn't a candy store hand out.  There is a price to pay for the anointing upon our lives.  Believers must have a willingness to cooperate with God.  Favor manifests as we trust Him. Patiently walking out this faith life.  My husband said today, "I am convinced that God only wants what is best for me.  So then why wouldn't I want to trust and obey Him".  -   Truth isn't it?! 
I believe that when a believer makes that very choice they will see God's favor unfold all around them. Walking in that favor will make humility a way of life.  What an amazing God we serve!

Secondly, this week will be the last in the series of  the "Blood Moons" online bible study.  Cindy Heinbuch  and I will be discussing Rosh Hashanah in connection with the tetrad and solar eclipse.  It should be an awesome time . You will be able to watch online after Wednesday of this week .

God is strategic in His plans for you!
Third, after "Blood Moons" is complete, I have been asked if there will be another online study.  The answer is, yes.  Our next study together will be, "Worship And The Tabernacle".  More information will be coming on this soon.

In closing :)  
God is strategic in his plans for you.  He has been busy preparing for your overflow.  Get ready! It's harvest time and God's strategic abundance is about to SUDDENLY rain down upon your life!

Faith & Love,
Pastor Pamela

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Let God Be Glorified Through You.

This is very exciting :)
Did you know that new medical studies have shown that people working in the medical community who are blessed with a  healing gift actually have a special electro magnetic field around them or their hands.

Plus, the more that  their gift is used or practiced. The bigger and stronger the field becomes. :). 

Sounds like the anointing to me.  Practice your gifts! Let God be glorified through you!

Pastor Pamela

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Welcome to my blog. :)  This is a new thing for me. (but it is the season for new things). Starting a blog has  been on my heart for awhile. And well finally... here it is.

As I prayed tonight about what to write. The word..."Shift" resonated within my spirit. It then came up on my fb page and yet again in a text message. Confirmation, Amen!

Blog 1... here you go.

There is a "Shift" coming into your life. Get ready to be blessed! You have been through a lot and this "Shift" is sending breakthrough on it's way to you.

Just Like Wheat goes through a process to become a precious flour.
Just like Diamonds go through tremendous pressure to become priceless
Just like the Caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis all alone to become a Butterfly

You have been through - The process. The pressure. The alone Metamorphosis . But it has birthed a "Shift" and a eternal change. Be encouraged~

SHIFT (definition)
to move or to cause (something or someone) to move to a different place, position, etc.
: to change or to cause (something) to change to a different opinion, belief, etc.
: to go or to cause (something) to go from one person or thing to another

God has some awesome things for you !  It is a new season, a new time. With new things being positioned into your life. They are coming suddenly.
New places, positions & anointings.
Something...or many things. They are moving, either out of the way or into place.
Be expecting :)

Pastor Pamela